the 3 major financial needs


This is the answer to your healthcare needs when you retire or get old. How comfortable your health care situation will be after you turn age 60 depends on the decision you make today.


This will protect your family if you die too soon. Life insurance protection can help you replace your income, help finance your children's education, pay estate tax, pay debts, etc. instantly.


This is the answer if you live too long. This will generate continuing income for you when you retire. It is your money working for you.

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Ano ba ang Kaiser Investment?

You should consider your healthcare and protection as a priority. Why? Even if you save a few hundred pesos a month, but no healthcare and life insurance, it will not take you far. When you get sick, disabled, or die suddenly, your savings won’t last very long. Getting long-term healthcare and life insurance are the best investments.

The Kaiser Advantage

Ano ang pinagkaiba ng short-term at long-term healthcare?

Kaiser Frequently Asked Questions